The Festival is just around the corner and during this time we generally have a few folk who can be a little snide when we inform them that they can’t bring their pals into the tattoo area. This is for many reasons and outlined in these slides. Pre- tattoo they are welcome to sit with you and confer with you about the design and by all means you can pop back into reception and show them the stencil on your skin. Your plus one will be made comfortable with a choice of tea, coffee, water and/ or some biscuits and chocolate if we haven’t eaten them ourselves. We cannot guarantee our patter will be top level in reception as sometimes we are very busy or focusing on a task. As the reception area can be quite crowded and this can be overwhelming for the reception team we ask that you kindly come along only with one person only, should you need to.
Exceptions apply due to disability, hidden disability and mobility.