Gino is the latest addition to the crew.
He is a six month old Miniature Schnauzer. He is very friendly and well natured though he does like a wee bark sometimes when people come through the door.
Gino, like all Schnauzers, are hypoallergenic so don’t be worried if you have any allergies… his hair doesn’t shed like most dogs.
He’s become a bit of a therapet and is a welcome comfort if you are feeling agitated before your tattoo.
In the interest of health and safety he is not allowed into the tattoo area though at times he will sneak in for a nosey… just be careful you don’t leave any confectionery in your bag or on the floor as he has and will eat it!
If you are fearful of dogs please let us know in advance as we do have a gated section where he can eat, drink and play with his toys.